West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BiCC)

Biodiversity and Climatic Changes are important focus areas of our ecosystem that have captured global attention in recent years. This is a result of the devastating effects that can be birthed to both our environment and the consequences for the human race if carefully structured regulations are not implemented.

Charged with story development and scripting for a three part comic series capturing the effects of adverse practices on Wildflife Conservation, Climate Change Mitigation, Reduction of Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss in accordance with the WA BiCC program under the USAID.

Key tasks handled:

  • Characterization
  • Story conception and development
  • Scripting
  • Art direction
Sasraku: The Secret Within

Into The Jungle: Rescue Mission In Kabiti

The Curse of The Sacred Mangroves



Exhibition rounds with the comics at:

  • IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress, Kigali – Rwanda, 2022.
  • CITES CoP19, Panama





Occupy Julorbi House

Emerging issues of grave economic mismanagement, corruption scandals and failed campaign promises led to an astute political awakening among the youth of Ghana. Three days protests were held both online (social media) and physically where protestors intended to make a peaceful march to the Jubilee House, the seat of Ghana’s presidency, to air their grievances.

This body of animation captures the highlights of events before, during and after the protests, which include police brutality faced by some protestors on the first day. It features sound bites of real life interviews and reactions surrounding the event.

The protests garnered over 1.02 millions tweets by the third day under the hashtag #OccupyJulorbiHouse

Key tasks handled:

  • Story content development and scripting
  • Reference photography and storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Sound Production
  • Subtitles
A little freedom and a little justice”

FindMyMethod for Women First Digital

According to the World Health Organization, “Globally, unsafe abortions account for 4.7–13.2% of all maternal deaths, disproportionately affecting people in developing regions.”

In developing nations, the demonizing of sexually related topics does more harm than good to many people, especially among young adults.

This creates either misinformation or insufficient knowledge which is a contributing factor to increased mortality rates.

This is a commissioned animated video content promoting the use of emergency contraceptive pills as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Key tasks handled:

  • Idea conception, development and scripting
  • Reference photography and storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation and Subs
  • Sound Production
“I’m shy, that’s why”

Bolt Ghana

As a subset of the marketing strategy for the continuously growing ride-hailing app in Ghana, Bolt Ghana uses a set of different strategies to increase the number of daily users of the app.

To do this, they keep the competition up by providing services that better the User Experiences of each customer. One of such strategic app features is the ability to share referral codes among family and friends.

Commissioned animated video content promoting the sharing of bolt referral codes among family and friends and highlighting the inconveniences that come with using other modes of transport in relation to the bolt service.

Key tasks handled:

  • Idea conception, development and scripting
  • Reference photography and storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Sound Production
PTSD – Post Trotro Stress Disorder

Cost of Living

The cost of living crisis in Ghana has been defined by experts as “the highest in the last two decades” and according to the World Bank “Ghana’s economy entered a full-blown macroeconomic crisis on the back of pre-existing imbalances and external shocks.”

The daily minimum wage for Ghana as revised from Jan 1, 2023 is GHC14.88 from a previous GHC13.53 in 2022. With the ever rising cost of living, this animation takes a jab at how dire it is to lose a note on a regular day dealing.

Key tasks handled:

    • Reference photography and storyboarding
    • Illustration
    • Animation and Subs
    • Sound Production
“Covet Operation”

Black Stars: Ghana National Soccer Team

Sports are undoubtedly a crucial part of societal well-being as it comes in different forms and structures around the world. It has shaped society in many ways and can be defined as a well-needed break for viewers who love said sport.There were instances during both World Wars (I and II) where football matches were organized between soldiers from different sides during periods of relative calm. These matches provided soldiers with a break from the harsh realities of war, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

This proves how much Sports can serve as a diversion from our regular hustle and bustle. The relationship between Ghana’s football team, the Ghana Black Stars, and a regular Ghanaian football lover was captured in this animation which comes full circle in a loop

Key tasks handled:

  • Idea conception, development and scripting
  • Reference photography and storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Sound Production

“A love-hate relationship”

Police Profiling

Different cultures and societies face different kinds of discrimination from law enforcement and in my part of the world there are several inevitable reasons why an ordinary citizen would be profiled by the police force.

In African societies, anything out of the ordinary includes colored hair, multiple piercings, tattoos, and any hairstyle for men that isn’t a low-cut. This is particularly a problem for many youth who are exploring, experimenting, and trying to establish their unique sense of self and identity. This natural process of experimentation places many at risk of being labeled a “criminal”.

The yearly Halloween dress-up is an unconventional occurrence in Africa, which forms the basis for this satirical piece touching on the theme of police profiling and incidences of extortion.

Key tasks handled:

  • Idea conception, development and scripting
  • Reference photography and storyboarding
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Sound Production

“Trick or Treat”